Friday, April 29, 2011

I am proud...

to be the first to ask this the form of a revealing graphic (click on the lower half of the graphic to enlarge it):

He needs to answer this question now. America wants to know. Can he PROVE that he has red blood, and not green? Why do his medical records list his blood type as RGB (no, I cannot reveal my sources)?

Was his mother raped by a reptilian visitor from Alpha Beta Gamma? Why does he avoid questions regarding his informant and investigative sources...much like another well- known alien, Joe McCarthy who communicated with fellow travelers on the dark side of the moon...which is where, as everyone knows, aliens maintain secret bases...from which they intend to attack Earth in the month of December, 2012.

And most revealing is that backward sweep Do. Seriously, do you expect us to really believe you paid $500 for that? No real Human Being would do that.

Running for president my ass. Answer the fucking question, Don. PROVE that you are one of us.


Jerry Critter said...

Hell, I would ask, "Is he really a man?" He looks more like a sex change operation gone bad.

intelliwench said...

I've just been wondering why nobody made a bigger deal about GWB getting into Yale.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think that atrocious comb-over is to hide his antennae.


Brett Payne said...

And I still fail to understand how that TV programme with this awful, awful man is so popular, here in NZ as much as anywhere. he is despicable, they are despicable, i could go on ... and on and on ...

jadedj said...

J C---I am glad you brought this up. My sources tell me that he kept firing his Swedish the middle of the operation.

intell---Good point. That one IS damned mysterious, isn't it.


B P---I am shocked. I've always admired New Zelanders.

And can you imagine that personality transferred to the presidency? I thought Bush was beyond belief, but if this buffoon gets in, they will have one-upped themselves.

Chimp said...
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Chimp said...

I thought he was an outer space alien also, but then he comes up with this "Jamaica" birth certificate.

I think, eventually, he will prove he is a black islander human by the fact he likes Jerk Chicken, Habanero peppers and listens to allot of Bob Tosh and Bob Marley.

Once he is black, he will be able to challenge Obama on more equal basis without sounding racist.

Tom Harper said...

To add to Jerry's comment: It was more than a sex change operation. It was a three-fer: sex change, plastic surgery and stomach-stapling. And something went horribly horribly awry.

yellowdoggranny said...

Dexter wants to shit on his head.

jadedj said...

Chimp---Trump in dreadlocks? Hmmmmm, that feeds my mind with wonderous graphic possibilities.

Tom---Har har har har! Another great graphic possibility!

YD G---He (Don) might get to liking it. He looks like the shit on my head type.

Punch said...

Illigale alianne, hell this boy has never worked in a bean field.
Just farts in the wind.

jadedj said...

Punch---And savors what comes back at him.

Mr. Charleston said...

Arrrrgggh! I can't take it anymore. The aliens are everywhere. They should have a state all their own, like Texas.

Ol'Buzzard said...

And the idiot has a following - what does that say about America? The rest of the world is dealing with nuclear meltdown, war, famine, disease, etc; while here our biggest problem is congenital ignorance.
Trump is a clown act - but there are people that follow him - you can't reason with stupid.

the Ol'Buzzard

jadedj said...

Mr. C---It's full.

Ol' B---Ain't it a kick. And...believe it or not...this is the 21st Century. Who'd thunk?

Demeur said...

Actually "the Donald" is real it's his hair that's the alien. Took up residence on his head and won't leave.

jadedj said...

Demeur---HAR HAR HAR!

Harlequin said...

i doubt that any alien culture worth knowing would claim this creature as their own. shame on anyone who gives this asshole even a hint of credibility.
perhaps he can find a pile of tumble weeds that might engage in species recognition.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Living large off borrowed money is the Reagan America way JJ. Of course Trump is a Reagamerican.

jadedj said...

Harlequin---I believe that IS a pile of tumbles on his head.

TRUTH---My brother's theory is, Trump is actually in Obama's camp and is dissembling to make the repubs look so ridiculous that a second term is guaranteed. I got the looks and brains in the family, if you are wondering.