Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Chuck...

"I am not a good American...I prefer to form my own opinions" - George Carlin

Berry, that is. Somehow I missed the fact that yesterday was his 90th birthday.  Ninety years old, and coming out with a new album in early 2017. I, for one, can't wait.


yellowdoggranny said... ole chuck

Tom Harper said...

Damn, still cranking out new albums at 90. Happy Birthday Chuck!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A true legend! Happy birthday to him!

jadedj said...

All - Some people question his life style, but there is no denying that his music was solid, I think.

Ol'Buzzard said...

I remember the beginning of rock and roll: Chuck Berry and the Killer (Jerry Lee) have to share the father of Rock and Roll - that white kids listened to. Of course Memphis late night radio was playing Rock/blues with black artist a decade before. I was raised in Rolling Fork Mississippi the home of Muddy Waters - who could only play in the Black Cat across the bridge on Saturday night. He couldn't drink out of the white water fountains; but now he is the only claim to fame for Rolling Fork.
the Ol'Buzzard

Professor Chaos said...

Hail Hail rock and roll! Chuck berry is the true king.(sorry, Elvis, but it's true)

jadedj said...

Ol'B---You gotta love irony. Muddy Wateers is the man, as far as I'm concerned.

Professor C---Amen brother. Elvis Smellvis...a piker compared to the C.

Jo ~ said...

at 90 at least he'll be doing something constructive other than playin' with his own Ding-A-Ling! :)

jadedj said...


LL Cool Joe said...

What an amazing performance. I've seen Chuck a few times in concert and he always delivered.