Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Funniest remark of the year...so far:

"I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon" - Donald Duck Drumpf

Uh huh. Instilling fear into bad guy shooters everywhere.


anne marie in philly said...

JFC, look at that gut! 9 months preggers! cadet bone spurs to the rescue!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Is there ANYONE in the world who BELIEVES that? lololol!

jadedj said...

anne marie - Hard to look at, isn't it?

Debra - I'm sure there's a whole gaggle of airhead supporters out there tipping an Old Milwaukee to his machismo right now.

intelliwench said...

Whyyyyyy is he still in office?????

jadedj said...

Intell - Possibly, in his shithole of a brain, for life! ARRRRRRRGH!!

intelliwench said...

You're not helping!!!!!

Jo ~ said...

well just thought I'd come over and share my Spam! LOL

jadedj said...

Bella - One person's spam is another person's buffalo tongue.