Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Encouragement. God knows...I need it!

From Dan Rather:


anne marie in philly said...

thank you for posting this. we progressives need to stand together to defeat the enemy!

Ol'Buzzard said...

It is a scary time we live in - and it is not a war we fear. It is the dismantling of American democracy.

Stalin said that America would not fall from a war but would fall like an overripe peach from the rot within.

the Ol'Buzzard

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Dan Rather is right. Now is not the time to lose heart or surrender the fight. Remember those who sacrificed to defeat fascism in the past and fight on.

jadedj said...

I think the most fearsome part of all of this is it's almost surreal. In my mind, this is something you read in history books. But it's not. It's real. I truly never thought it could happen here because of our so-called checks and balances. Current events are damned daunting, for sure, but we can't get worn down by it all and definitely can't give up.

yellowdoggranny said...

my daddy fought in France and Germany in WWII...he's spinning in his are his 5 brothers

jadedj said...

Jackiesue - as did my dad. My granddaddy fought in WWI and went down to the recruiting station immediately after Pearl Harbor to join up. He was 50 years old and his blood pressure was too high. He tried, though. No doubt in my mind that, like your daddy, both of them are spinning. They would have hated the shithead we so loosely call president.