The first recipient of the award is Joe Godlewski of Cresaptown, Md. Joe is unhappy with TV chefs using and reccommending so much of "that Kosher Salt". Taking matters into his own hands, Joe is marketing sea salt, blessed by an Episcopalian Priest. Joe said to himself, "I said, 'What the heck's the matter with Christian salt?'"
By next week, his trademarked Blessed Christians Salt will be on the market.
Joe, a retired barber, makes it clear that this is not anti-Semitism at work...he states, "There's no anti-Semitism. I love Jesus Christ and he was a Jew. I'll bet some of his best friends are too. "This is about keeping Christianity in front of the public so that it doesn't die. I want to keep Christianity on the table (hardy har har...pun intended), in the household, however I can do it." If the salt takes off, Godlewski plans an entire line of Christian-branded foods, including rye bread, bagels and pickles.
Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, who is kosher administrator for the Chicago Rabbinical Council, says, marketing Christian salt as an alternative to kosher salt reflects, at best, ignorance about Jewish dietary laws. He said all salt is inherently kosher because it occurs naturally and requires little or no processing. Certified kosher foods are not blessed by rabbis but examined by them to ensure that the food and its processing conform with biblical passages regarding food preparation and consumption.
Way to go Joe, you definitely deserve the award. Except, since it was blessed by an Episcopalian, where does that leave Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists, Lutherans, Holy Rollers, Fundamentally Whatsits, and all those other fine Christian denominations...regards salt, that is. Are they covered (as it were) by this?
I was certain that this goofball was just some kind of joke but then I googled the story and found out it was true! Amazing.
fragile---the woods are full of them. Amazing isn't it.
You know, random dude being stupid is one thing. But that Epsicapalian priest should know better. What a doof!
theredhead---doof is food backwards...as is the priest. Obviously doesn't cook.
If ignorance is bliss then this doofus must be really happy
I knew a dog called Doof. Also knew a couple that called the dog food Doof so the dog didn't confuse their food with his at the humans dinner time.
People are funny.
Religion the cause of 99.9% of all the worlds problems out there or it is used as an excuse to cause problems!
Lou---as a lark.
Moko---I don't think I'd be having dinner with them...just in case.
mr-stu---the latter.
I knew a dog named Noof, but none named Doof. If you'll excuse me I need to go see what religion my salt is.
Mary---mine's Morton...hmmmm, isn't that a Jewish name?
How crazy! I'm safe, the salt here is called "Baleine" or whale.
Dedene---La baleine est un mammifère marin de grande taille classé dans l'ordre des cétacés.
Nah, I don't speak French...I cheated...googled Baleine :)
My salt is iodized by the great god Iode.
Doug---as in mother lode?
Does this mean that if this takes off and all the religions get their own salt, that I will have to stop eating salt since I am not a member of any organized religion?
KIT---Yes. Be aware that the Jehovah Salters will be around to speak to your salt about their eternalness...or lack of.
Gave you 5 stars for this entry tooo, JJ :)
Geesh, those monkey's are so cute! :)
Relatives. Posed just for the graphic. They work for peanuts...vada boom.
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