Thursday, January 20, 2011

Time for a laugh.

"I am not a good American...I prefer to form my own opinions" - George Carlin


Punch said...

Bad hair day

Don’t ask don’t tell





NO you tell her?!!!


We drank your liquor



jadedj said...

Punch---That pretty much covers it...HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR.


yellowdoggranny said...

that cracked me up..
I actually did that to a guy years ago(1968)..he and his father ran the greek bar down from where I worked and it was his birthday, and his girlfriend was pissed at him so we let him believe that I was giving him triples. I poured all seven up and just poured about 1/3 of jigger of vodka right on the top and didn't give him a straw..he had 4 drinks that he thought were triple shots and he was drunk and slurring his words, staging all over the place..drunk on his he thought..he probably didn't have a full shot of vodka...then we told him...oh man..he was so pissed...didn't speak to either of us for weeks..we made fun of him and laughed at him the entire time.

jadedj said...

YD G---Har har har, funny story. Prior to 1968, shorting a man's shots, coulda gotten you shot.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Reminded me of the time my high school buddy bought what he thought was some good shit from a guy named George. He was high as hell and said I had to try some.

I took two drags and said "You fucking moron. This ain't weed. It's a fucking Marlboro this asshole cut the ends off and rolled up." It still had the "Marlboro" name on the one he hadn't lit.

jadedj said...

Truth 101---HAR! The moral is, beware of guys named George bearing weed.

Mr. Charleston said...

I've always loved slap-stick comedy. Thanks for the laugh.

Tom Harper said...

The solemn message here is: Placebos are dangerous. They can cause an unpredictable uncontrollable high, and we need a big government crackdown on this menace.

Placebo: Assassin of Youth.

jadedj said...

Mr. C---I glad it was as good for you as it was for me. Seriously, glad you liked it.

Tom---I prefer to think of it as...Youth: Assassins of Placebos.

Chimp said...

Stan Laurel could always get that crazy laugh going for ever. It's really contagiuos. I had my placebo for this Sunday. Better than bananas. Reminds me also of the little battery-run laugh boxes. No matter how hard you tried, you could not stay serious.

jadedj said...

Chimp---I had forgotten about those boxes. They were infectious, for sure.

Harlequin said...

very funny stuff; but, seriously, it needs to be reported to the placebo control board.... standards, you know!!

jadedj said...

Harlequin---Due to budget cuts, the board is kaput.

Chimp said...

But we still have the Laughter Police and the Thought Police and the Internet Police and the "Junk" Police and the...

jadedj said...

Chimp---We need a police police.