Tuesday, December 13, 2011


"I am not a good American...I prefer to form my own opinions" - George Carlin

A bad idea...coming  your way from the Congress of the United States.

I've censored the following, in protest of a bill that gives any corporation and the US government the power to censor the internet--a bill that could pass THIS WEEK. To see the uncensored text, and to stop internet censorship, visit: http://americancensorship.org/posts/8212/uncensor

We the ██████ of the ██████ ██████, in █████ to ████ a ████ ███████ █████, █████████ ███████, ██████ ████████ ███████████, ███████ for the ██████ ███████,[████ 1] ███████ the ███████ ███████, and ██████ the █████████ of ███████ to █████████ and our █████████, do ██████ and █████████ ████ ████████████ for the ██████ ██████ of ███████.

Uncensor This

“When ideas are blocked, information deleted, conversations stifled and people constrained in their choices, the Internet is diminished for all of us.. There isn’t an economic Internet and a social Internet and a political Internet. There’s just the Internet.”
- Hillary Clinton (United States Secretary of State)


Punch said...

in order to a more union
aaaaeeaa what the hell can I possible add

Jerry Critter said...

Block the truth and all you have left is FOXNews and republicans.

squatlo said...

This is scary shit, JJ... we ought to be out in the streets raising hell about it. But then, who would be writing anything worthy of censor?

We're behaving like sheeple again.

Sarge said...

But that is what the far right wants - One party, one religion,
one message, one voice. It isn't about We The People with the Republicans; no sir! They see it as "Us and them". And, we are the


Ol'Buzzard said...

They are running adds here in Maine asking for people to call their representatives and support a bill to restrict foreign internet piracy of CD's DVD's ect. This is another Republican PR smoke screen scam aimed at misdirecting the public from their actual intention of being allowed to censoring the internet.
the Ol'Buzzard

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

They're probably going to get away with it.

jadedj said...

Punch---Seems clear enough.

Jerry---And that's no lie!

Squatlo---It's festering...the anger, that is...I think...I hope. And yes, it is scary shit.

Sarge---Yep, in their distorted view, we are the ungodly boogie men, socialist dogs.

Ol'B---And under the of the terrorist act, it will be possible to not only censor you, but to detain you INDEFINITELY, due to what you are blogging.

Truth---Yes, you are most likely correct.

Chimp said...

The poblem is that what Hillary Clinton said above only applied to China and Russia, not to the USA.

Since we didn't complain about censorship, torture and indefinite detention by the US of foreigners, it's all now coming to America.

jadedj said...

Chimp---However, the statement still applies to the U.S., even if she had no intention of it applying, methinks.

Chimp said...

It should apply to all. That's the problem with politicians, they have two faces and two mouths, one for them and one for us.

Mr. Charleston said...

I told you the best thing those assholes could do was nothing. But Noooo. Everybody had to jump on their asses about doing nothing, so then they had to think up something. So we are now left to ask, What'll those assholes think of next?

Mr. Charleston said...

JFC! Things have gotten so bad that The Newt is considered a big government moderate!

Harlequin said...

thanks for the heads up.... not sure if canadians count as outraged constituents, but i am planning on registering my protest.

onwards, through the fog....

jadedj said...


Mr. C---It's all a ploy. It ain't gonna be Newt.

Harlequin---For me, the internet should have no territorial boundries. Protest away.

diane said...

The people pulling the strings aren't in any kind of a hurry. They just sit back and wait for something to get big enough to take over. And so it is with the internet. Yahoo's been disabling comments on all Ron Paul stories, for example. The real problem is the dependency on the web. The string pullers have their hands on something pretty big here.

jadedj said...

diane---The dependency is a genie that can't be put back in the bottle, methinks.

Tom Harper said...

I'm glad somebody else is posting about this too. I can't believe how little publicity there's been about the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act (the Senate version of the same bill).

Other than a few "liberal" news sites and a few liberal bloggers, this Orwellian law is off the public radar completely. Hollywood moguls and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are about the only groups who want this bill. I guess they have more clout than the other 99% of the population.

jadedj said...

Tom---A bit discouraging for sure. I'm not seeing much of anything in the MSM in opposition. The bastards are going to slip this one through I fear.

Chimp said...

The GOP says if Ron Paul wins the nomination they'll have Ronald Reagan stuffed and mounted and toss him into the ring!

jadedj said...

Chimp---Sounds like a sound Repug idea to me. Live one, dead one, who knows the difference. Bullshit is bullshit no matter which dimension one is in.

intelliwench said...

JJ, ol' pal - I hope you have the best bleepin' Christmas ever. I promise that if I have to leave the country because of the idiots trying to run it, I'll move somewhere that has good internet service so I can continue to follow you :-)

jadedj said...

intell---Awwwwww, that's the nicest thing any almost expatriate has ever said to me. That hiatus did you wonders!

Kyle Leach said...

Love the censorship choice JJ. I wish that it was not becoming literal.

jadedj said...

Kyle---I thought it was apropos. It probably would have gotten censored by the fools that are proposing this piece of junk.

Chimp said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, JJ.

jadedj said...

Hey Chimp, and to you too :-)