Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snake wins in South Carolina

"I am not a good American...I prefer to form my own opinions" - George Carlin

But then, who gives a rat's turd?

"Oh, and I want to thank all you little ol' ladies from Pasadena who only drive their cars on Sundays (maybe we could have a drink together sometime" ;-0)

My apology to Tricky were slick, but ever slimy.


Harlequin said...

i agree; newt brings being a dick to new lows. and he is slimy. smarmy, even.

Mr. Charleston said...

Hey, I thought it was the liberals who fucked around and partied on other people's money.

Jerry Critter said...

Newt won, LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. The republicans are really screwing the pooch!

yellowdoggranny said...

they dont' care who you fuck in S. Carolina..but wait till it's their turn.

Harlequin said...

newt brings being a dick to new lows. slimy and smarmy.... eeewww.

Punch said...

There is a god in haven.

the walking man said...

I didn't know he had kinfolk in SC? Money talks bullshit just hides theirs in overseas untaxed accounts

Kulkuri said...

Maybe they hate the Mormon cult so much in SC that they'll go with the guy that fucked around on two of three wives(that we know of so far) and on all three of his religions, but none of them were Mormon(wives or religions[cults]). Besides he's from next door, not a Yankee like the other follower of the Anti-Christ(Pope), Frothy Boy!!

MRMacrum said...

Same comedy, different state.

jadedj said...

Mr. C---Suh, boys will be boys, wink, wink.

Jerry C---Ha! And anything else that moves.

YD G---I thought they kept it in the family.

Harlequin---Smarmy is as Newt does?

Punch---Yeah! Run Newty, run!

t w m---I was thinking Cobert would take it, given that he has all that Stewart controlled PAC money. I guess he just didn't have enough of the cousin connection.

Kulkuri---Damned Yankees. You know, they burned cotton, and ate babies on their march to Charleston.

And ol' Newt? Just one of them good ol' boys.

MRM---Yep, but the jokes are getting a little stale, methinks.

Sarge said...

I can speak for all of we Demrats -
but I am delighted with Newt's success! Never has a potential presidenial candidate offered as many ways to be attacked. We are going to see a floor fight at the GOP convention - whomever wins will be battered and bruised...

Works for me.


intelliwench said...

Isn't South Carolina one of those states that lets dead white folks vote? That explains it.

Can't wait to see who "wins" Florida.

Tom Harper said...

I'd like to think Gingrich's nomination would guarantee Obama's re-election. However, 12 years ago I was certain that George Bush's Idiot Bastard Son couldn't possibly get elected.

jadedj said...

Sarge---If I can stomach it that long...I agree.

intell---Yes. And word has it that Newt was particularly interested in the necrophilia aspect of the dead white folks voting policy.

Yep, Florida...aka...clown haven. Now, THEY really DO let dead white folks vote and convicted felons run for office!


Chimp said...

Every "winner" in the Republican campaign seems to be worse than the last winner. The Republican Party is definitely upset at this win as some have said, Obama will trash Newt. BUT, the GOP has a slimier surprise to be pulled out of the closet when all seems lost: JEB BUSH. Another Bush in the White House.

jadedj said...

Chimp---Damn...I keep forgetting about that sorry scenario. I even brought it up on someone's blog six months or so ago.

Chimp said...

And the other one waiting in the wings is Chris Christie.

jadedj said...


Professor Chaos said...

Wow, there aren't too many people you'd have to apologize to Nixon for comparing him to. (apologies for the tortured grammar)

jadedj said...

Professor---Yeah, I never thought I'd ever apologize to that dickwad. But he was a piker compared to Mr. Slime.