Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Weasel's Ass

"I am not a good American...I prefer to form my own opinions" - George Carlin

Is it just me, or does anyone else not give a weasel's ass that Mitty has an enlarged prostate?

Note to Romney campaign handlers...having Mitt roll up his sleeves, going tieless and revealing that he has physical defects like the rest of us, does not make him a 99 just STFU! 

Sorry, the bottom photo is the only picture of a weasel's ass I could find.


Commander Zaius said...

Is it just me, or does anyone else not give a weasel's ass that Mitty has an enlarged prostate?

I completely agree! Now what I am about to write is I admit rather cruel but when I heard the news report the other day about Ann Romney's plane having to make an emergency landing given what I expect and believe about Mittens I figure some small part of his mind pondered the political benefit of her plane actually crashing.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mitt has an enlarged prostrate? Who doesn't in that age category?

Sarge said...

Well, who gives a damn how many times Mittens gets up to piss?


yellowdoggranny said...

I am having too good of a time censoring myself for this.

Punch said...

Debra is right.

jadedj said...

Beach Bum---Not cruel at all. Have you ever taken a good look at her? I have never seen anything other than a stone cold hard ass expression on her face. In some ways, I feel sorry for the bastard. But not much.

D S W S---His wife?

Sarge---Probably has someone do it for him...and, you are right.

YD G---And I KNOW you are ;)

Punch---No finger exam jokes? Are you OK, dude?

Punch said...

I went to meditation.

Kulkuri said...

Willard has an enlarged prostate, so what?? Now if they said he had prostate surgery and can no longer get it, we'd know why he's such a PRICK!!

intelliwench said...

Dude, you're gonna get some weasels pretty mad if you keep this up.

Tom Harper said...

"the bottom photo is the only picture of a weasel's ass I could find."

Oh, I thought it was a picture of Mittens' prostate.

jadedj said...



itell---Well I'm about to shift my emphasis to Paul Ryan. I haven't pissed off any skunks yet.

Tom---I can see why you would be confused.

Punch said...

nevermind what?

jadedj said...

Punch---I forget. Give me some slack... I am after all, an older gentleman...with a swollen prostate. Nevermind.

Professor Chaos said...

Republicans, they're just like humans!

jadedj said...

Professor---Did something change when I wasn't looking?

Oh, the prostate thing. I have seen NO evidence that he ACTUALLY has an enlarged one. In fact, I have seen no evidence that he has one at all. I demand to see his enlarged prostate certificate. Why hasn't he shown us?

Harlequin said...

love it love it love it.

jadedj said...

Harlequin---Actually, I could have labeled this one, Separated at Birth?