Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rights of the Right. Not.

"I am not a good American...I prefer to form my own opinions" - George Carlin

Steal a Obama supporter's sign and:

Steal a Rmoney supporter's sign and:

Your ass gets shot!
 I have a hot flash for you "pissed off U.S. Marine"...shoot someone for stealing a yard sign and your rights will get a severe restriction placed on them...i.e., PRISON!

What a dumb fuck!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The democrat's approach is certainly more creative!

Rubye Jack said...

Just goes to show - Democrats can think and Republicans can only react.

Jerry Critter said...

A clear difference between a Democrat's approach to solving a problem and a republican's approach. Who would YOU rather have in the White House?

Mr. Charleston said...

Three hots and a cot. Not bad for shooting yard sign nabbers. But the question is, who the hell wants a Romney sign in the first place?

The Red Mosquito said...

Why six dollars? Just seems a weird number to pick.

Punch said...

I think the law reads 'they have to be in your house, before you can shoot their ass dead.' I believe Alabama worked all that out, back in the Selma daze.
Of course that dead negro in North Florida may have changed all that.

Sarge said...

You know, this damned shit is getting ignorant. When Obama wins I expect some bagger asshole to shoot him. I can see McConnell, Boehner, and Cantor telling Michelle what a tragic loss it was and how Barack will me missed.

And besides when have you ever met a Marine that had any fukin sense?


yellowdoggranny said...

I'm glad you posted this..I thought i was the only one that saw the comparison.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Again: the difference in Democrats and Republicans. The Republican pundits are always saying that the far left is as extreme as the far right. The truth is that far left Democrat will organize a sit-in; the far right Republican will kill you.
the Ol'Buzzard

Tom Harper said...

Or, the Obama supporter could shoot the sign thief AND donate more money to Obama :)

Punch said...

It is a f*****g piece of cardboard. Just how low has human life sunk in the country?
F**k me to tears.

jadedj said...

D S W S---Not to mention legal.

Rubeye---Yep...react. I suppose with the IQ of a polecat, not much else could be expected.

Jerry---Well for sure, not a man who appeals to polecats.

Mr. C---Three hots and a cot plus all the sex you never wanted.

Damn good question!

Red M---Either he/she can't afford more from their budget, or, they're having a whole hellofa lot of sign stealing going on. It adds up, you know.

Punch---I think you are right about the law. The rest of it...I have no idea what you are talking about...bro :-)

Sarge---I am afraid you could be right.

I have resisted making the marine remark...thanks for doing it for me.

JACKIESUE---Actually my oldest daughter saw this on Tumblr and passed it on to me.

Ol'B---Exactly. And this is precisely what I think of when I hear people say there is not an ounce of difference between the two.

Tom---You are a man of great insight...and expediency.

Punch---Well get set for crying a river...a shot was fired into Obama Headquarters in Denver yesterday...exercising their Second Amendment Right, mind you. And BTW, there were people inside the office when the shot was fired. No one hurt, but...

Punch said...

Travon Martin was shot and killed by a person 'standing their ground'.

Chimp said...

He better be careful! They are putting ex-soldiers in psychiatric hospitals lately if they act aggressively!

jadedj said...

Punch---Now I see. Since in the breath before that you had mentioned Selma, my brain was still there rather than here, now, as in there in Sanford now. See?

jadedj said...

Chimp---In this case, I'll look the other way.

the walking man said...

Looks like it's time for a special forces night ops mission and a long fuse in an M-80 on some dumb ass marines lawn.

I wonder which he'd shoot over first the lost signage or the crater in his front god damned lawn

the walking man said...

bet the jar head is in OHIO.

Holte Ender said...

Nice one J. Good to see you are still fighting the good fight.

Harlequin said...

this post sort of exemplifies the contrasts between the candidates and the parties.
loved the comments, too.

jadedj said...

w m---Or Florida?

Holte---Long time no see! How have you been?

Well I don't know how good the fight is, but I find that I still have to vent to relieve the steam in my cabeza regards certain cretins on the planet. No...make that ass holes!

Stop back by sooner old friend :-)

Harlequin---Yes is a clever bunch that visits here, methinks.

intelliwench said...

I have a dilemma, friends. Upon arriving home yesterday I found that the neighbors put an RR sign right on the property line. And Scooter Pie is 1) a miniature dachshund, and 2) a female, so I can't send her out to piss on it.

(Might have to do it myself.)

jadedj said...

iWench---In either case...will there be pictures?

Jerry Critter said...

Put an Obama/Biden sign next to it.

jadedj said...

Jerry--Unless, of course her neighbor has a male, killer-piss-on-your-lubral-ass-political-sign doggy.

intelliwench said...

Nope, JJ - they don't have a dog of any political persuasion. Maybe that's their problem. If I put an Obama sign up, though, Jerry, there is risk of vandalism to the house -- remember where I live. (Now I just have to remember WHY I live here.)