Monday, January 20, 2020

Why are we so damned stubborn?

Men, that is. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and youngest daughter had to practically hog tie me to go to the emergency room. I just damned refused Two emergency teams later...I went. They didn't like how I looked...pale, and ashen, my wife and daughter, that is. Heart Attack was the word the bantered about n the ER. That was a late Friday night. I remembered nothing until early Monday morning. Mainly, I think to a decisive coma, they got me in. That alone scared the crap out of my wife. So much so that she called my brother in California for his advice. I was also reacting to the drugs they use for the coma and was fighting the nurses...physically They had to strapped me to the bed. Monday I had a better reality and attitude. The nurses he end of the week, they let me go home. Unfortunately, I have to supplement my heart's oxygen supply wearing a damn small tank. Eventually that will go away...we hope.

 When I got home,it dawned on me that I had not seen one newspaper, or news report...not read one political article and greatest of all ...not seen one ferking photo of the fool in our White House. The heart attack, notwithstanding...a damn fine mental vacation. I am going to try to keep it that way.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm glad your wife and daughter won out over your male stubbornness! Sounds like just in the nick of time too. I hope you have a good recovery and feel back in the pink soon.

Seriously, men need to start going to the doctor when they don't feel well instead of trying to "tough it out." I had a healthy middle-aged male colleague who unexpectedly died of a septic infection simply because he wouldn't miss work to go to the doctor. By the time he went, it was too late and they simply could not save him.

the walking man said...

Looking back I can see a few times I should have listened more to my body. The bad stuff happens to other guys, not me, not at 21...I keep forgetting I am not that guy anymore.

Ya made it through and that is a as good a starting point as any. Keep the man of the 50's in check and do all your follow ups.

Be well

anne marie in philly said...

JFC MAN, ARE YOU CRAZY????? what would your family do without you? PLEASE listen to your body!!!!! yeah, and fuck the news stream.

Ol'Buzzard said...

I'm like you. When I go to the doctor for a problem it is well past its sell by date. I think we just don't like looking like we need help.
the Ol'Buzzard

jadedj said...

All good points. What I neglected to say that my argument was, I feel just fine. Which of course a lot of crap.

yellowdoggranny said...

quit being a only get one shot at life..don't let your stubbornness be the thing that shortens it..don't make me come bip you.get better..I love you.

Jo ~ said...

damn! that must have been scary ... can't keep a good blogger down. Glad you're on the mend. :)

Harlequin said...

Glad you survived to write the tale. Nothing like meeting one's mortality to provide perspective on what's important. Hoping you continue to recover and live deeply.

Professor Chaos said...

Holy shit! Get well soon. Positive Energy!

jadedj said...

Bella, Harlequin and Professor Chaos...thank you for the good words. I found out there is more to this "story?" in the next episode. Soon.