And there are marathons...

And then there is this...

From KTLA in L.A.:
MOSCOW -- He won the bet, but lost his life.
Police say 2 women bet their friend Sergey Tuganov that he couldn't keep up with them during a 12-hour sex marathon.
The prize, $4,300.
Tuganov took the bet and decided to boost his chances of winning by downing a bottle of Viagra.
It worked. He won the wager.
But just minutes later, the 28-year-old mechanic died of a heart attack, Moscow police said.
"We called emergency services but it was too late, there was nothing they could do," said one of the female participants who identified herself only as Alina.
With a smile on his face?
They paid him for sex?
2 women
i'm buying a ticket to russia
Jeez. Concrete for brains (and elsewhere).
Lou---Didn't even get to enjoy his winnings. Poetic Justice at it's finest.
Not surprised after a whole bottle of Viagra. We know where all the blood was. Try running a hydraulic pump in a dry system-it'll often as not seize up. Same thing with this guy.
I can think of no better way to go when my time comes!
YD---good point...no blood in the big head.
mr-stu---and to think this dude did it for the money.
He may have had a smile on his face but one of those women might have had a dead guy inside her and EWWW!
redhead---different strokes (ahem) for different folks...or some such inane saying.
Were they able to close the casket without putting a bump out on the lid...?
Doug---special casket...he could afford it. The casket also allowed for the knot on his head (big head).
A BOTTLE of Viagra?! I'm surprised he lasted for 12 hours. You'd think his heart would give out a lot sooner than that!
jadeddj - I would pay them rather than do it for the money....lol
becoming---maybe the Russian dosage is less potent?
mr-stu...sad, sad, sad :)
12 hours with two chicks going at it. The 5 minutes of excruciating agony as your heart fails....
Well, I'm gonna die someday anyway!.
U's right. THEY.PAID.HIM.?. Russia eh?.
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