First, with tongue-in-cheek, it was meant as ridicule of, and pointing to, the absurdity of organized religion. Somehow, I got a little carried away with the masturbation comment, not to mention giving the piece a bad title, thereby giving that part of the article the major importance. Obviously the comments, thus far, have focused on the "M" thing...which is fine, because that subject is totally ridiculous...particularly when used as a religious example of evilness. However, it wasn't meant to be the center point of the piece.
Second, it occurs to me that it may be taken that I still believe the dogma and medieval silliness that was pounded in my head at church during my youth. No. Nein. Absolutely not. I became the Southern Baptist epitome of a lost sheep, disconnected from the flock. Little did they know that I was out there doing some flocking of my own. Their effect on me and my life, was the opposite of the intended one.
Finally, please keep in mind when visiting this feeble little chunk of bloggerdom, that I am a visual artist, not a writer...even though I pretend otherwise. Which is why I post lots of pretty pictures...such as the one above.
That's right isn't it? Spring back, Fall forward? Right?
Painting by: Jheronimus Bosch - Titled, The Last Judgement
I don't see a problem with voicing an opinion.
Heh heh, sure, that's it. See you at work early tomorrow :-)
Moko---voice away.
Doug---Hardy har har...I work at home. It's the devil thing.
I wasn't raised in an organized religion, unless you count the few years we hung out with Jehovah's Witnesses. It's been quite an experience learning about Catholicism from Bill.
I forgot about the time change until this morning, but we still haven't set the clocks back yet.
becomingkate---No No No...I lied...not back...forward. The devil made me do it.
JW's, had a friend who went that route...maybe I'll write about that sometime.
I'm glad you wrote what you wrote, its similar to how I think too.
Although I do feel the need to also state that even though I am anti religion, I am actually the student of a 36,000 year old spirit (bizarre I know), solely as his teachings make sense to me on a deeper level. I do believe in other life, inside the earth and way beyond our planet. Increasingly over the past twelve months I am beginning to believe more and more many of the conspiracies out there 9/11, poisons in food, illuminati etc.
So it could be argued that I have turned totally from what is acceptable to government, society, religion towards what they describe as 'crazy'. Turns out I am learning that what those who have most power in the world term as crazy, actually makes much more sense to me than what these people preach.
I am not at any conclusion that one is right and one is wrong, but its some journey, the world is not as it seems!
Gavin---my contention is, no human who ever existed, or exists, KNOWS what lies beyond this plane. Hence, my aversion to being told what I should believe. I don't tell anyone what to believe...because one's beliefs, as long as the belief is not destructive to the rest of us, is a private matter.
Crazy is a matter of perspective, isn't it. I agree...the world is not as it appears.
Glad you saw the light, so to speak. Because of the closed-mindedness of her classmates, intellikid is absolutely refusing to go to college anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line!
Oh, and I finally checked my e-mail today (and replied). Too much technology, too little time . . .
Great, now I'm never going to be able to remember whether it's spring back or spring forward. Also, twice a year when we change our clocks I'll think of you --- for the rest of my life. :)
intell---I'm thinking intellikid should also include a line west of the Mississippi (God, I love spelling that word) to the California state line...
KIT---this is why computers were invented...computers know, I mean KNOW the back/forward thing, which protects you from jerks like me. Consider me an errant computer.
Dang, can't believe I wrote "back". Thanks large jj. At least I set them ahead, lol.
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