Saturday, January 8, 2011


"I am not a good American...I prefer to form my own opinions" - George Carlin

"It's difficult to remember one came to drain the swamp when one is up to one's ass in alligators" - Barack Obama (not really...but it should have been)

I received this from my Zen friend yesterday. I am still rolling in the aisle over this one.


Punch said...

Mose was a hell of a negotiator.

jadedj said...

squatlo---It certainly gave me food for thought.

Punch---Yep. I'm thinking they crucified the wrong guy.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Tough choice JJ. Oil and money or a well coiffed wiener.

On the whole, if you have oil and money the chicks don't care what your wiener looks like.

The Jews got hosed.

Doug said...

Is it too late to make a trade...?

jadedj said...

TRUTH---Har har it were!

yellowdoggranny said...

talk about the short end of the stick

jadedj said...

Doug---Yep, all the wandering and such sealed the deal.

YD G---Yep...some sticks need all the inches they can get.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hahahahaha! Perspective is everything!

jadedj said...

DSWS---As is hindsight.

Mr. Charleston said...

I must say, I do like the kinder and gentler you, even if it means losing the ends of our dicks.

jadedj said...

Mr. C---Stick around...the spit and piss spirit may get me again.

Dicks? What are you talking about? Isn't he referring to artichokes?

Chimp said...

This is the LIGHT version? Not only the oil, but they also get the 72 virgins!!!!!