"I am not a good American...I prefer to form my own opinions" - George Carlin
No, no, no...the Republican Presidential Nomination Race (I know what you perverties were thinking...and the title of this post had nothing to do with his faithful, "stand-to-the-right-and-behind-me" companion.
Immediately following, caught on film, is the reaction of that Nazareth dude.
next stop, FOX! or maybe whatever network Pat Robertson is on.
The general speculation is that Frothy Rick jumped out because he did not want an embarrassing defeat in his home state, which would destroy his chances in 2016.
If Obama wins reelection I just can't imagine the repubs running such an idiot like Frothy. I know they are insane but there has to be limits. That at least is my hope.
Professor---Yes indeed, no doubt we have not seen the last of the slimy prick (no pun intended).
Beach---Jeb in '16 is my prediction. On the other hand...they may be even more insane than we think.
It's too bad Santorum's father didn't withdraw on that fateful night fifty-odd years ago.
Jesus would be so pleased to learn that he 'pulled out' before he did any more damage...Praise Jesus.
He isn't out until he releases his delegates...can you say Secretary of State Santorum? Man he could really get us into some slick and shitty situations in that post.
Tom---HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Even better!
Punch---Is that what Jesus would want?
YD G---THAT is what Jesus would want...he told me so. OK, he didn't.
w m---OK, now I'm depressed.
Relax, not even Romney is crazy enough to keep that dickhead around. I've said it before and I'll say it again... check out Buddy Roemer.
You are still going to see a floor fight at the GOP convention in Tampa and you can expect that Saint Santorum will get to say his peice - As will Noot.
As to Romney - I just watched a thing on the history channel about Mormons - they have some strange ideas like the American Indians are ancient Jews whose skin was darkened by God for denying the faith.
I just don't think evangelicals will vote for a Morman regardless of how much they may detest Barack
Good post
I like what Daniel Kurtzman says:
"With his decision to pull out of the 2012 presidential campaign, Rick Santorum has dealt comedians yet another devastating blow. After losing Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and Herman Cain, the prospect of facing seven more months of presidential politicking without a frothy mix of Santorum jokes is almost too much to bear."
These three short frothy thoughts are by Andy Borowitz:
"It took Romney millions of dollars and months of attacks to narrowly defeat a mental patient in a sweater vest."
"I don't blame Santorum for not believing in evolution. It's really let him down."
"Santorum made his very first sweater vest when he tore the arms off his straitjacket."
Mr. C---Roemer...wasn't he the head of Adoph's Brown Shirts? No wait, that was Roehm. Hmmmmmmm.
Nevertheless, from what I read of the man (Roemer, not Roehm), he is a pro-choice kind of guy. Not so sure that line of thinking will set well with the current crop of wingnuts.
Sarge---Let's hope that you are correct.
Chimp---So, you don't think Mittless is amusing?
Chimp---I received an email from Alan Grayson today talking about that very thing...the vest. I may post it tomorrow. It's a funny piece.
I think Mittless is funny but some of the other were funnier. I got great laughs from Cain and Palin and Trump and Bachman and Newt. Maybe we should rate these clowns on their comedy routines.
As a Brit who fails miserably to both watch the news, read the papers or even maintain a vague interest in current affairs, I'm simply a bit lost here today...
But that IS a nice picture of Jesus.
Chimp---Nah, requires too much thought...they are so evenly matched.
Mo---Believe me, many here on this side of the piddle are equally confused. As to Santorum...he is a presidential dopeful, er, hopeful who would return us to medieval times...because God told him to. Sort of a Christian Talibanist.
The man is very photogenic, methinks (J C, not sicky Ricky).
oh praise Jesus.
YD G---and his sweater vests. Wait, wrong guy. Sorry.
the nazarene does look delighted that the nasty sticky thing has been withdrawn... can ya blame him?!
great post and comments!
Harlequin---Thou doesth speaketh too kindly.
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