Friday, November 16, 2012

Another easy one...

"I am not a good American...I prefer to form my own opinions" - George Carlin

Jon Stewart..."Look Who's Still Talking":


yellowdoggranny said...

I can't watch videos..they shut down my funky computer.

Tom Harper said...

Hey, that's no fair, my Obama gift bag didn't have any weed in it. But I love the food stamp cozy. Damn, what'll they think up next? I'm proud to be a Taker -- a member of the 47%. And I love my Obama gift bag.

MRMacrum said...

Well I'm not impressed. Obama could have at least included a bus ticket to town so I could trade some food stamps or maybe a little weed for some of the sexual favors of one of the local painted husseys. With no bus ticket, what the Hell use is the contraceptive gift pack. Damn Liberals never get it right.

jadedj said...

JACKIESUE---Maybe you're not holding you mouth right. That's a problem for me sometimes...or so my wife tells me.

Tom---I am assuming YOURS didn't have any of that there "devil weed" 'cuz the hippies in your state got that love-child pot thing legalized, and it's flowing in a frenzy in the streets. Leastwise that's what I heard at our local corner eatin' place.

MRMac---Most likely your gross pack was intended for the end of the muzzles on your 2nd amendment cache of keep the bores dry, know what I mean? Also, makes it much easier to differentiate between fighting and fun.

Wait, now that I think about it, they could also be used as pant cuff ties to prevent entanglement in bike chain sprockets.