The best line of the night, I jumped over to fox for 3 minutes, caught the blonde in the ill fitting jacket and skirt saying of Nate Silver's predictions which all came true and which they had spent the last 2 weeks attacking what he was saying and that he was gay... "nate was right, but he didn't do anything special, he just looked at the numbers".
I took a huge enjoyment in getting on the radio at work last night and informing my three right-wing coworkers that President Obama had won reelection. Even funnier was their ignorance of the electoral map and child-like whining.
Doug---Oops, you slipped in there while I was slipping out. No, wait...that doesn't sound right.
If they try enough times, they eventually get it right. I think it was Churchill that said that about Americans (U.S. Americans, that is...or rather, white U.S. Americans...nevermind).
MRM---Ol' Karl is just trying to keep the magic alive, you know...the magic pantaloons, that is. It's very difficult to do, especially when the panties keep agittin' in a wad. They tend to bust wide open. I don't even want to go into the results of that action.
Jackiesue---Grand, fulfilling and gloatful!
w m---Don't feel too bad for them...they still have lying Ryan ready to bat for them.
Glad that turned out well!
The best line of the night, I jumped over to fox for 3 minutes, caught the blonde in the ill fitting jacket and skirt saying of Nate Silver's predictions which all came true and which they had spent the last 2 weeks attacking what he was saying and that he was gay... "nate was right, but he didn't do anything special, he just looked at the numbers".
Happy Happy Day!!! - But, there is still work to do...
Thank You Jesus it's OVER and Romney is DEAD (politically I mean).
I took a huge enjoyment in getting on the radio at work last night and informing my three right-wing coworkers that President Obama had won reelection. Even funnier was their ignorance of the electoral map and child-like whining.
Flying high.
Congrats to the voters on a job well done, some of them had a tough time.
Debra---I suspect that this has put the quietus on a massive U.S. Liberal migration to Canada. Rest easy ;-)
yellow fringe---Hahahahahahahahaha! Duh, it's all about the numbers, blond person!
intell---Picky, picky, picky. We don't want to do no stinkin' work! Just give us the benefits.
Tom---My ears and my brain thanks whomever...Jesus works. Not to be negative, but Lying Ryan is still lurking about, however.
BB---Whining...the Republican mantra...repeatedly ;-)
Lesley---Flying wid ya...all day!
Doug---Oops, you slipped in there while I was slipping out. No, wait...that doesn't sound right.
If they try enough times, they eventually get it right. I think it was Churchill that said that about Americans (U.S. Americans, that is...or rather, white U.S. Americans...nevermind).
Hate to burst the bubble here, but I don't think Karl Rove is willing to concede just yet. He's waiting for a call from monsignor Koch.
ain't it grand
OK now who is going to pay back the Kocks and Addled and the rest who made a en toto 5 billion dollar gamble and mostly lost?
QE4 for the super pacs!
MRM---Ol' Karl is just trying to keep the magic alive, you know...the magic pantaloons, that is. It's very difficult to do, especially when the panties keep agittin' in a wad. They tend to bust wide open. I don't even want to go into the results of that action.
Jackiesue---Grand, fulfilling and gloatful!
w m---Don't feel too bad for them...they still have lying Ryan ready to bat for them.
Couldn't be happier!
Mauigirl----where have you been? Looooooong time no see. Glad it makes you happy ;-)
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