Wednesday, November 7, 2012


"I has seen the enemy and they is us" - Pogo


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad that turned out well!

the yellow fringe said...

The best line of the night, I jumped over to fox for 3 minutes, caught the blonde in the ill fitting jacket and skirt saying of Nate Silver's predictions which all came true and which they had spent the last 2 weeks attacking what he was saying and that he was gay... "nate was right, but he didn't do anything special, he just looked at the numbers".

intelliwench said...

Happy Happy Day!!! - But, there is still work to do...

Tom Harper said...

Thank You Jesus it's OVER and Romney is DEAD (politically I mean).

Commander Zaius said...

I took a huge enjoyment in getting on the radio at work last night and informing my three right-wing coworkers that President Obama had won reelection. Even funnier was their ignorance of the electoral map and child-like whining.

Leslie Parsley said...

Flying high.

Doug said...

Congrats to the voters on a job well done, some of them had a tough time.

jadedj said...

Debra---I suspect that this has put the quietus on a massive U.S. Liberal migration to Canada. Rest easy ;-)

yellow fringe---Hahahahahahahahaha! Duh, it's all about the numbers, blond person!

intell---Picky, picky, picky. We don't want to do no stinkin' work! Just give us the benefits.

Tom---My ears and my brain thanks whomever...Jesus works. Not to be negative, but Lying Ryan is still lurking about, however.

BB---Whining...the Republican mantra...repeatedly ;-)

Lesley---Flying wid ya...all day!

jadedj said...

Doug---Oops, you slipped in there while I was slipping out. No, wait...that doesn't sound right.

If they try enough times, they eventually get it right. I think it was Churchill that said that about Americans (U.S. Americans, that is...or rather, white U.S. Americans...nevermind).

MRMacrum said...

Hate to burst the bubble here, but I don't think Karl Rove is willing to concede just yet. He's waiting for a call from monsignor Koch.

yellowdoggranny said...

ain't it grand

the walking man said...

OK now who is going to pay back the Kocks and Addled and the rest who made a en toto 5 billion dollar gamble and mostly lost?

QE4 for the super pacs!

jadedj said...

MRM---Ol' Karl is just trying to keep the magic alive, you know...the magic pantaloons, that is. It's very difficult to do, especially when the panties keep agittin' in a wad. They tend to bust wide open. I don't even want to go into the results of that action.

Jackiesue---Grand, fulfilling and gloatful!

w m---Don't feel too bad for them...they still have lying Ryan ready to bat for them.

Mauigirl said...

Couldn't be happier!

jadedj said...

Mauigirl----where have you been? Looooooong time no see. Glad it makes you happy ;-)