There was an AP report today that a man in Cheyenne, Wyoming saved his dog's life, after the dog was bitten by a rattlesnake. The man sucked the snake venom out of the dog's nose. The dog's head had swollen to three times it's normal size.
After taking the dog to the veterinarian, Bobby Jenkins, the owner, began to feel ill. Just to be safe, Jenkins went to the hospital where he had to have four vials of anti venom...at $3,500 per vial. The dog also had to have anti venom. The report was unclear as to the amount the dog had to have.
Both dog and friend have recovered.
I'm wondering...was it the venom, or was it dog snot that made Bobby ill? Hell, it's making me ill just visualizing this scene. For me, it would have been bye bye Fido, 'ol sport...especially at $3,500 x 4.
This story reminds me of the old adage, "if you get snake bitten in the privates, you'll find out who your real friends are." Which of course begs the obvious question...just how much does Bobby Jenkins love that dog? What if? Could have been worse.
How much do you love your dog? Even without what if.
Me? I don't own a dog, just three cats. I can tell you unequivocally, not only would I not suck my cats noses...I 'm pretty sure my face would look like a Georgia road map if I tried.

OMG! I'm sorry - I love my dog (Lola) and I love my cat (Tokyo) but I KNOW I wouldn't spend $14K saving them. It's just too much money, and I have children! I just know if I tried to spend it, something would fall through my roof or one of my kids would need treatment in the U.S. or something. It's Murphy's Law.
A 22 cal. round is about $0.77 two would be $1.54 anyone requiring more than that should have the dog bite their balls. My Cat knows not to screw with snakes, he comes in to get me and i close the window. my best advice.
becomingykate---but, you WOULD suck their noses if no money were involved?
Punch---your cat definitely knows you WOULD NOT suck his nose.
I don't have a human friend I could afford to spend $14K on. I realize he spent it on his own treatment, but would the friend reimburse him for having his life saved?
We were just discussing snake venom at work yesterday (after having a "visitor" in the smoking area). A co-worker said that venom sucking isn't recommended at all, because it can make the rescuer as sick as the victim. She also claimed that her dad still has numbness in his gums and the roof of his mouth because he once sucked the venom out of her foot after she was bitten by a snake. I try to take everything she says with a grain of salt, but it makes sense.
Doug---this is a philosophical question, requiring more study, methinks.
Maurita---your story reinforces the snot sucker's brush with death. You are right, it does make sense.
I don't want to think about it at all - I doubt I would though!
Eeewwwww that is totally gruesome. I love my Bonnie dog but there's no freakin' way in hell....
becoming---Sorry, didn't mean to traumatize you :)
Lou---I agree. There is a limit to my pet affection...scooping poop and sucking noses.
So far this year I have loved our dog almost $500 worth, not including the $15 bags of kibble I buy since her pancreatitis flare-up.
intell---So,given the emotional AND financial investment, the rattlesnake bite question would be yes?
j, I think I'll just choose to never live the same place rattlesnakes do!
intell---that would be Ireland, or (are you ready for this?)...southeastern Nebraska!
Oh hell. I'd suck venom from my dog's snout (snot included) if it would save either the pug's or the dachshund's life. I've never found a better friend than what either of my two dogs consistently offer. [I've found people to be too often moody and unpredictable depending on their day; the canines, by contrast, ALWAYS feel happy to meet me no matter what their day's circumstance.]
{Amazing photo you posted. It made the dog's nostril-skin look like alligator flesh}
Sun---that's the good part of owning a dog. I have owned many dogs, and have even had to put down a couple of them. I cried because they were such friends. But, the snake and the nose thing...I dunno...
I got the photo from the web. It came from, faithfool.wordpress.com. Not sure if it is theirs originally, or if they got it from somehwere else. Definitely a great photo.
I never realized before that a dog's nose looks like a basketball.
And thanks for the thing..
Zibbs---This is a pure bred Spaulding Hound.
You're welcome.
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