My oldest daughter, who is in the seventh grade, is in the advanced math class. Straight "A"s thus far. Some of the homework she brings home, is totally alien to this old dog. So, tonight she sent me this, to explain some of the advanced problems she deals with in math at school...and, now it all makes sense. Thank you Hannah:
Now that he's hired, I hope Costello gets to smacks his boss Mr. Abbot into the black board a couple of times. But I have to wonder how The Beaver would explain arithmetic.
i never got math or algebra or trig or calculus..none of it..ever
Which one of them do you think landed at Leman Bros. and which with Smith Barney?
Nice one, Punch.
They both ended up at Fannie Mae. Check these out JJ...
I was never good at the advanced calculations, like dividing by zero or squaring pi. Mmmm. Pi.
Ha ha ha.
*wipes brow in sheer exhaustion*
Good grief.
So have you and your daughter gone bankrupt now through miscalculations?
PE---Speaking of beavers on this site is forbidden.
Yellowdog---I hope this helped clear it up.
Punch---You are one funny monkey. Now calm down.
PE---Quit encouraging him. I just recently got him calmed down.
Mr. C---Why is it called FANNIE Mae. Something to do with getting it in the butt?
Thanks for the funnies...I'm going to pass these on to my daughter.
Doug---I prefer round pies.
Mo---Nay, it was the numerous trips to the mall she took with her mother.
Wow...I finally get it! :) Now, is there a clip where Laurel and Hardy demonstrate chemistry equations? And this is Heidi btw.
Anon---And advanced physics. Heidi, what's with the alias?
My stupid laptop only lets me post anonymously and I DON'T KNOW WHY. At work now.
Heidi---Soooooo, you and your laptop are responsible for all those anon comments I see everywhere, huh?
I did learn my math from Costello and the alphabet from The Three Stooges (See "3 Stooges teach the alphabet" on You Tube.) And I learned about Tabasco sauce from Spanky (Little Rascals - Spanky and Tobasco Sauce).
How sweet of your daughter to share :o)
Chimp---What a fine education you've had. The School of What's Happenin' Now...also my alma mater.
Buck0---Yes indeed, and I am so proud that the advance math class has brought her to this point.
This may explain why I have trouble balancing my checkbook half the time...
intell---Probably a better explanation would be...the Law of Great Expectations butts heads with The Rule of Debtor to Creditor, and the cart of dreams crumbles under the weight of reality. Something like that there.
so, the apple does not fall far from the tree.... your daughter is a pistol!
Harlequin---It's scary.
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