FLASH! This just in, the Republican side of the aisle has proposed a compromise health care plan, in the interest of the American People.
It is not government run, nor is it a co-op plan. The details are sketchy at this point. Informed sources maintain that it is available to each man, woman and child, and well within everyone's budget. The source further stated that it is a plan to die for.
Shown below is the spokes person who presented this new idea, earlier today.
Thus far, there has been no comment from the White House.
I know this is tongue in cheek, but in fact not far different from what they are thinking.
Punch---I need to do a disclaimer...someone used the term, Do Not Get Sick in some comment somewhere that I read last week and it kept kicking around in my head. I just added Reps and visualized it.
Peach---this is a fair and impartial report, from JOX News.
And to think they have stated their position well in one pic. They were so worn out after the 19 page plan to fix the economy!!!
mom---lazy bastards.
It's worked for me so far. Oh, wait, I'm in Canada. No worries, then.
Doug---good one...he said, while sobbing.
This issue is on our tv news almost every night, we're fascinated by some of the views being expressed about what a public health system will mean to 'ordinary' Americans. It's a wonder that any of us here in NZ have survived with all the plug pulling and euthanasia that zapparently goes on with universal health care.
But you do know don't you, that you will be charged for not getting sick. You will be charged a fee because by not getting sick and not using pharma company products and health care facilities they will lose money. Losses which in turn will cause them to need a "too big to fail" bail pail from your pocket in the form of a 'too healthy' fee to supplement profits.
Lou---not to mention baby eating socialists roaming the streets.
wm---well, there's always Soylent Green, to pump up the every good little Capitalist knows.
Oh what a mess we've made. If we get sick we're screwed. On the other hand, if we get well we're fucked. Let's organize a massive protest. It's simple, on any given day, we all agree to call in sick or well, whichever we choose. The thing is, if everyone who wants the public option health care system did it, the country would grind to a halt and maybe, just maybe, those dumb asses will get the message.
Mr. C---Wait, this has merit, but instead of calling in sick/well, we all strap on our guns and take them to work, on the same day. No gun? Make one out of soap.
The Repubs, VERY sick beings that THEY are, should experience being booted off their private insurance plans they all love so much. THEN they'd see real life insurance company "death panels" in action!
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